Monday, May 7, 2012

The American blog about what is un-American.

To me, oppression is the most un-American thing possible. In the land of the free, no person's rights should be denied. Our country was founded by people who wanted to explore their religious and political freedoms, if anyone were to try to take that freedom away from them, then it would destroy the purpose of why our ancestors travelled here in the first place. No person should be forced to believe anything, be it religious or political, and even if a group of people are, some people will grow to resent it, and it will never truly be a unanimous choice. In America, we can choose to follow the masses or be an individual, and that is what makes Americans "Americans".

What is un-American is easy to define. If a policy makes people suffer, or puts the government on a higher pedestal than everyone else, then it is un-American.

Who gets to decide what is un-American? Simple, the multitudes of Americans. If the policy is obviously hurting the people, or treating a certain group unfairly, then it must be un-American.

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